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khwansuda sutthisaen
Worapat Khumpong
Kiettisak Suklueang


Objectives of this research article were; 1. To study the public service quality of Nan Provincial Office of Natural Resources and Environment. 2. To study the relationship between the Sangkhahavatthamma principle and the public service quality of the Nan Provincial Natural Resources and Environment Office. 3. To study the public service quality development guidelines according to the Sangkhahavatthamma principle of the Nan Natural Resources and Environment Office. It is an integrated research method. The quantitative research uses the exploratory research method. A sample of 309 people can analyze the data by finding frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation. and qualitative research by interviewing In-depth with 10 key informants or people. Data was analyzed with context analysis techniques.

          The results showed that:

  1. Public service quality of the Nan Provincial Office of Natural Resources and Environment 2. The relationship between Sankhahavatthus 4 and public service quality of the Nan Provincial Natural Resources and Environment Office was generally positive at a relatively high level. Statistically significant at the 0.01 level. 3. Guidelines for improving public service quality of the Nan Provincial Natural Resources and Environment Office found that there were the following guidelines: 1) providing services with equal honesty; 2) providing services with readiness, punctuality, speed, in accordance with legal procedures; 3) providing adequate services. Having the availability of materials and equipment. 4) Consistently providing services. willingly Pay attention to every step. 5) Development of service systems to keep up with the advancement of technology. Reduce the time for requesting services use resources wisely

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How to Cite
sutthisaen, khwansuda, Khumpong, W., & เกSuklueang K. (2024). THE QUALITY OF PUBLIC SERVICES AT NAN PROVINCIAL NATURAL RESOURCES AND ENVIRONMENT OFFICE. MCU Haripunchai Review, 8(1), ุ63–78. Retrieved from
Research Article


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