Application of Papanikadhamma for Leadership Development of Sub-District Headman,Village Headman in Chaiwattana Sub-District, Pua District, Nan Province

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Panjasilp Wannapop
Theeratas Rojkitjakul
Kiattisak Sukluang


Objectives of this thesis were : 1) To study the level of people's opinions towards the leadership of Sub-District headman, village headman at Chaiwattana          Sub-District 2) To compare people's opinions on the leadership of Sub-District headman, village headman at Chaiwattana Sub-District classified by personal factors.   and 3) To applying Papanika-dhamma for leadership development of Sub-District headman, Village headman at Chaiwatthana Sub-District. The methodology was           the mixed methods. The quantitative research, by survey method, collected data from samples who were people living at Chaiwatthana Sub-District by using            the random sampling method using Taro Yamane's formula, obtained 366 samples derived from the population of 4,208 people. Data were analyzed by finding frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation. The hypothesis was tested using one-way analysis of variance. ANOVA. The qualitative research, data were collected from 10 key informants by in-depth interviewing and analyzed data by content descriptive interpretation, presented in descriptive form of frequency table, using data to support the quantitative data.

         Findings were as follows:

         1) The leadership of Sub-District headman, village headman at Chaiwatthana    Sub-District, by overall, was at high level.

  1. The comparison of the level of people’s opinions on the leadership of Sub-District headman, village headman at Chaiwatthana Sub-district classified by personal factors, was found non-different, rejected the set hypothesis. For the people with different ages, occupations and incomes had different opinions on the leadership of Sub-District headman, village headman at Chaiwatthana Sub-district accepted the set hypothesis.

  2. Guidelines for applying the principles of the Papanika-dhamma for leadership development of Sub-District headman, village headman at Chaiwatthana Sub-District were that: 1) Cakkhuma: being a person with a wide vision, Sub-District headman, village headman should determine the direction of their operations by emphasizing on the participation of the people with far-sighted vision and  thoughtful and rational thought process 2) Withuro:  being an expert in the work of Sub-District headman, village headman, should be fully responsible for the assigned mission, To solve problems that arise in a timely manner, to have expertise in their work and to have specific expertise for managing  people, resources and community. 3) Nissayasampanno:  being a good interpersonal person and being trusted by others. Sub-District and village headmen should be good friends with colleagues and the people. To have good interpersonal skills in coordination and to be good coordinators who aimed to build good relationships with people in the community.

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How to Cite
Wannapop, P., Rojkitjakul, T., & Sukluang, K. (2024). Application of Papanikadhamma for Leadership Development of Sub-District Headman,Village Headman in Chaiwattana Sub-District, Pua District, Nan Province. MCU Haripunchai Review, 8(1), 175–190. retrieved from
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