The guideline for applying buddhadhamma in disease healing along with the new normal age

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phrapalad Somphod, Thitadhammo
Phoonchai Punthiya
Thepprawin Chanraeng


This research article has 3 objectives: 1. To study the concept of disease treatment in Buddhism, 2. To study the methods of disease treatment of the community of Suan Dok Subdistrict, Mueang District, Lampang Province, 3. To analyze the guidelines for applying Buddhist principles. in the treatment of disease According to the new normal era. It is a qualitative research study mixed with spatial research. Key informants totaled 17 persons. Research results: 1) The concept of disease treatment in Buddhism: Disease means stabbing, a condition in which the body cannot function normally due to germs, etc., illness, accident, abnormality of the body and mind. Which is a problem for every human being. The problem of life is suffering. It may be a hidden disease without any abnormality appearing. The abnormal condition that occurs causes discomfort. 2) Methods for treating diseases of the community, Suan Dok Subdistrict, Mueang District, Lampang Province. Disease treatment Illness cannot be separated from life. Because illness is a part of life. treatment of illness Where the community uses the principle of participation in the health care of people in the community. 3) Guidelines for applying Buddhist principles in treating disease according to the new normal era include: 1. Apply the simple act of creating happiness in therapy. In Buddhism, happiness is discussed at each level by following the Noble Eightfold Path to create happiness. 2. Apply to create good karma for both oneself and the public in treatment. Good karma is meritorious karma, wholesome karma, good action. 3. Apply the principles of Dhamma in treating disease using the 4 Bhavanas, the 7 Bojjhangas, and the 5 Niyamas, the Ayu Sutta, which are Buddhist principles that can change behavior or create good thoughts.

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How to Cite
Thitadhammo, phrapalad S., Punthiya, P., & Chanraeng, C. (2024). The guideline for applying buddhadhamma in disease healing along with the new normal age. MCU Haripunchai Review, 8(1), 253–268. Retrieved from
Research Article


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