The development of local political qualities of citizens

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Phra Khru Palad Watcharaphong


This article presents and analyzes the development of local political qualities of citizens that is important to the creation of quality democratic citizenship at the local level, where there are still weaknesses and concerns of government officials and scholars that are often linked to young and uneducated citizens in the electoral system, tracking and monitoring the use of power and political work as well as evaluating the performance of politicians at the local level in the past round that affects the decision to exercise their rights again. It can also create awareness of the society benefits received from the management of local administrative organizations that have developed. The candidates who receive votes should respect decisions and be considerate of the people's voices depending on the conscience of the politicians. Therefore, the development of local political quality of citizens can be seen in 3 major issues. 1. The development of the quality of those who exercise the right to vote is that the people must have knowledge about democratic understanding, know the laws about voting, know how to choose their representatives, know the needs of the people, know the policies that want to be elected and representatives chosen from who are not relatives or those who have money. 2. The development of the quality of the local election system in accordance with the rules of the local election committee. 3. The quality development is defined in 2 parts, namely the election of the leader or president of the organization and the selection of local council members. Good leadership, good policy and qualifications required by law should have in the representatives.

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How to Cite
Wachirapanyo, Asst. Prof. Dr., P. K. P. W. (2023). The development of local political qualities of citizens. MCU Haripunchai Review, 7(3), 232–245. Retrieved from
Academic article


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