The conservation of wisdom of local herbal plant application in Na Pa Nad Village, Khao Kaew Subdistrict, Loei Province.

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Piyanuch Luerngam
Idsararat Makhanpan


Aimed  to study types of local herbs and to study the the conservation of wisdom and application local herbs in Na Pa Nad Village, Khao Kaew Subdistrict, Chiang Khan district, Loei Province. The study was conducted by surveying and collecting the samples of local herbal plabpnts along the roadsides in the village and categorizing the local herbal plants used by villagers to identify their species.In addition, there was an in-depth interview with the scholars in the village and interview with the 161 villagers, aged over 40 years in Na Pa Nad village, Khao Kaew Sub-district, Chiang Khan District, Loei Province regarding the conservation of wisdom of local herb application.

 The results revealed that

1) There were 32 families, 49 genuses, and 50 species of local herbal plabpnts for the conservation of wisdom and application. For the application of local herbal plants, most used parts were leaves, totalling 27 herbal species.

2)There are 7 guidelines for the conservation of wisdom and application of local herbal plants which were :1) inheritance from ancestors, 2) making journal or guidebook,  3) propagation of local herbs, 4) self-development and exchanging knowledge, 5) processing of local herbal plants into medicines, 6) creating added value by distributing medicines from local herbal plants, and 7) transferring and disseminating knowledge. Local herbal plants were  propagated by growing for household as backyard vegetables, as well as at Tai Dam Cultural Center, Tai Dam Village Museum, and a large number of Na Pa Nad Occupational Development Groups. Consequently, this was considered to be sustainable conservation of local herbal plants.

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How to Cite
Luerngam, P., & Makhanpan, I. (2022). The conservation of wisdom of local herbal plant application in Na Pa Nad Village, Khao Kaew Subdistrict, Loei Province. MCU Haripunchai Review, 7(3), 73–87. Retrieved from
Research Article


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