The Social Movement Rights in the Community of Mae Tha Sub-district, Mae On District, Chiang Mai Province

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Patsakorn puangoop
Thanasak Saichampa


This research aims to study 1) the cause and problems related to community rights in resource management 2) Social movements demanding community rights in natural resource management and 3) The approach to natural resource management in Mae Tha subdistrict, Mae On district, Chiang Mai province. Qualitative research model

Existing primary and secondary data were mainly collected and the interview was used as a Snowball Sampling.The researcher collected data using in-depth analysis of 38 people in 4 groups : 1. Leader group 2. Local leadership group 3. Village leaders
4. A group of local knowledge. The data is analyzed to identify the causes and problems, social movements demanding resource management methods at the local level and approaches natural resource management. The study presents descriptive data gathered from interviews and documentary sources, which are combined and analyzed qualitatively.

          Research findings are as follows:

          1) The cause of the demand for community rights in natural resource management comes from the government's allowance for logging concessions in the forest area of Mae Tha subdistrict for over 50 years. Illegal logging and encroachment have resulted in the degradation of the forest area, and the preparation for declaring the area of Mae Tha Subdistrict as Mae Takrai National Park has caused issues regarding the community's rights.

2) Social movement to claim the right of the community to manage resources due to the demand of the community for forest to belong to the community. The movement has groups and networks to coordinate cooperation and create recognition of the government's resource management system.

3) The guidelines for resource management in Mae Tha Tambon are to Caring for local resources for the people who live with the forest, forest management, and to take advantage of the resources in the sub-district.

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How to Cite
puangoop, patsakorn, & Saichampa, T. (2023). The Social Movement Rights in the Community of Mae Tha Sub-district, Mae On District, Chiang Mai Province. MCU Haripunchai Review, 7(4), 110–126. Retrieved from
Research Article


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