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Manit Kowarhit


this research It has three objectives: (1) to study the creation of artistic works in the public spaces of tourist cities; (2) to develop participatory urban and community art spaces in Northern Thailand. (3) To develop the city to be a learning center and tourism of Buddhist art towards the community way of life in the north of Thailand. This research is an action research by creating works of art in the form of creating three-dimensional images (3D) on the walls of 7 public areas.

           The results were found as follows: Results of the study revealed that art tourism cities in Japan and in European countries have an influence on the creation of art works on the public areas of modern Thai tourist cities, such as street art. Lampang City Municipality community wall art Lim Ko Niang Shrine, Pattani City, street art, “Nang Ngam Road”, Yala City Municipality and street art Songkhla

          Works art creation in the public areas of tourist cities. by studying community history and local identity has led to the creation of works of art in the form of 3D images in 7 places: 1. Boon Yuen Village, Wiang Sa District, Nan Province 2. Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University with Lamphun Campus, Mueang District, Province Lamphun 3. Ton Krai Village, Mueang District, Phrae Province 4. Lampang Luang Village, Mueang District, Lampang Province 5. Sri Don Chai Village, Pai District, Mae Hong Son Province 6. Wat Tha Kham Tai Village, Hot District, Chiang Mai Province 7. Taphan Hin Municipality Taphan Hin District Phichit Province

          After that, the research team organized an activity to transfer knowledge in art (Art Workshop), i.e.a forum for exchanging knowledge among civil servants, academicians, artists, community leaders and villagers. to drive art works into tourist attractions and organized an activity called “Color Signs, Dream Points, Share Imagination” to educate young people about 3D art workshops. The use of mass media and information media to disseminate research findings and publicize community tourist attractions.

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How to Cite
Kowarhit, M. (2023). THE DEVELOPMENT OF CREATIVE ARTS IN THE AREA PUBLIC COMMUNITY IN NORTHERN THAILAND. MCU Haripunchai Review, 7(4), 190–204. Retrieved from
Research Article


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