Student Care with Positive Discipline Development Guideline for Chonkanyanukoon High School Student

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Supatsariya Chaikarunkul
Chalee Pakdee
Chatchai Sirikulpan


The objectives of this research were : 1) to study the current situation and problems in the operation of the student care and support system of the upper secondary students at Chonkanyanukul School, and 2) to find a way to develop the student care and support system based on the positive discipline. The tools were used in the form of studying documents, interviewing, and focused group discussing.

         The findings were as follows :

  1. The study of the current situation and problem in the operation of the student care and support system of the upper secondary students at Chonkanyanukul School showed the factors, strengths and weaknesses that should be developed. The school had managed with a quality system based on CN – OK MODEL and PDCA cycle and with applying the policy into practice.

  2. The study to find ways to develop the student care and support system based on the positive disciplines showed that 1) the prospectus focused on the positive discipline, prevention, remediation and improvements should be developed, 2) the personals to promote  the positive discipline for students should be developed, 3) the students based on the concept of positive discipline should be developed, 4) the technology used in the student support system should be developed, 5) there should have admiration students to create their own values, 6) teachers should pay more attention in caring students, 7) volunteer activities should be organized, 8) there should create an application to access information to improve themselves for all students, 9) there should encourage students to have their own values then be able to join activities with normal groups, 10) teachers should is consultants for students to find the way to solve problems, 11) a communication channel between the school, teachers and students should be organized, 12) the activities to promote intrinsic motivation should be conducted, and 13) there should allow students to have cooperating agreement.

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How to Cite
Chaikarunkul, S., Pakdee, C., & Pakdee, C. (2023). Student Care with Positive Discipline Development Guideline for Chonkanyanukoon High School Student. MCU Haripunchai Review, 7(4), 205–220. Retrieved from
Research Article


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