Integrating tribal cultural capital with Buddhist principles in the management of Phrapariyattidhamma School in Lamphun Province.
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The research aims to 1) Study the management conditions of Phrapariyattham School. 2) Develop a model for integrating tribal cultural capital with Buddhist principles in the management of Phrapariyattham Schools. 3) Experiment with the model of integrating tribal cultural capital with Buddhist principles in the management of Phra Pariyatham School. and 4) evaluate the model for integrating tribal cultural capital with Buddhist principles in the management of Phrapariyattham School. in Lamphun province research and development The main informants were 23 people. The tools were interviews, focus groups, and questionnaires. Data analysis statistics included percentages, means, and standard deviations. and t test
The research results found that
1) Condition of management of Phrapariyattidhamma School In Lamphun Province, it was found that morality was promoted. Ethics for students and there are additional activities with morals inserted in every activity period.
2) Develop a model for integrating tribal cultural capital with Buddhist principles in the management of Phrapariyattidhamma schools. In Lamphun Province, it was found that there are 3 types of integration into school management: (1) administration and organization of teaching and learning activities (2) activities in front of the flagpole. and (3) projects in the action plan
3) Experiment with the model of integrating tribal cultural capital with Buddhist principles in the management of Phrapariyattidhamma School. In Lamphun Province, it was found that integrating Kruba's teachings with activities in front of the flagpole every morning Prayer activities and worship in the evening
4) Evaluation of the model for integrating tribal cultural capital with Buddhist principles in the management of Phrapariyattham School. in Lamphun province Overall, very satisfied.
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