Buddhist Integration to Oral Health Promotion for Sangha in Chiang Mai Province: A Case Study of CMMCU Monk Students
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The objectives of this research were 1) to analyze the oral health promotion for Sangha according to the principles of dentistry and Buddhism, 2) to propose the Buddhist integration of oral health promotion for Sangha in Chiang Mai province. This study was mixed methods. The quantitative research has the population including 179 Bachelor's degree monk students of Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University Chiang Mai Campus by Taro Yamane’s the calculation formula. The tools used include a questionnaire with a validity value of an average 0.7 and a reliability value of an average 0.8. Analyzes were performed using the chi-square statistical test. The qualitative has important informants, including 6 monks and experts. The tools used include an interview group with an open-ended questionnaire that was verified by a consultant. Data were analyzed using content analysis principles
The results of the study found that
1) Analysis of the oral health behavior of Sangha, and principles of Buddhism according to the 5 principles of Àyussadhammas. The relationship between the general information, the monks' health information, the leading factors, the conducive factors and reinforcing factors, the oral health behavior of Sangha, and according to the 5 principles of Àyussadhammas were as follows. The general information was only the risk of developing oral health diseases. The leading factors were the attitudes to oral health care and the food consumption values. The conducive factors and reinforcing factors were correlated with the oral health behavior of Sangha, according to the 5 principles of Àyussadhammas. Then, the oral health behavior of Sangha was correlated with the 5 principles of Àyussadhammas. The data was statistically significant at 0.05.
2) The guidelines for applying Buddhist integration to oral health promotion for Sangha showed that the application of the 5 principles of Àyussadhammas is active to the oral health behavior of Sangha by in CIPP Model. It is a management and decision-making tool in 4 aspects: context, input factor, process, and results.
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