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Aihua Zhu
Jiranat Phumsawatkamjorn


The purpose of this research was to study level of teachers' prescriptive and physical education at Fitness Schools in Beijing, China. And To study relationship between teachers' prescriptive and physical education at Fitness Schools in Beijing, China. The sample used was 50 teachers. People at Fitness Schools in Beijing, China used questionnaires to collect data. Through convenience sampling, the data was analyzed by frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation. and test the hypothesis with Pearson correlation.

The results showed that Most of the respondents were female, aged 31-40 years, with a higher education level. They have an average monthly income of 6,001-8,000 yuan. Respondents' opinions on Teachers' prescriptive and Physical education at Fitness Schools in Beijing, China overall are high. The hypothesis testing found that teachers' prescriptive had a statistically significant relationship with physical education at Fitness Schools in Beijing, China for 2 pairs, including without feedback, positively correlated with physical activities. The statistic at the .000 level was moderately correlated, and the Integrative was positively correlated with the physical activities at the .000 level, which was moderately correlated.

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How to Cite
Zhu, A., & Phumsawatkamjorn, J. (2024). THE EFFECT OF TEACHERS’ PRESCRIPTIVE TO PHYSICAL EDUCATION AT FITNESS SCHOOLS IN BEIJING, CHINA. วารสารนวัตกรรมสังคมและเทคโนโลยีสื่อสารมวลชน, 7(1), 51–63.


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