The Development of Watthungbenja Participatory School Administration Model for School Executives, Teacher Bureaucrats, School Administration, Community Relation, and Learners to Enhance School Educational Quality of Watthungbenja School

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niweat chartwut


This R&D research was to develop Watthungbenja model-based participatory school administration. Two main research methods were 1) field study from individual interview and focus group technique; and 2) quantitative study from questionnaires made for the sample groups. There were four phases for this research, including 1) studying school administration problem to enhance school educational quality of Watthungbenja School; 2) creating and development Watthungbenja model-based participatory school administration to enhance school educational quality of Watthungbenja School; 3) piloting Watthungbenja model-based participatory school administration; and 4) evaluating and improve Watthungbenja model-based participatory school administration

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chartwut, niweat. (2022). The Development of Watthungbenja Participatory School Administration Model for School Executives, Teacher Bureaucrats, School Administration, Community Relation, and Learners to Enhance School Educational Quality of Watthungbenja School. Journal of Social Innovation and Mass Communication Technology, 5(1), 11–19. Retrieved from
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