Training Management Roles of the Royal Thai Armed Force Headquarters in Supporting the ASEAN Political-Security Community of the Joint and Combined Military Exercise Under the Framework of the ASEAN Defence Ministers’ Meeting-Plus (ADMM-Plus)

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จตุรงค์ มงคลทอง
สุรชัย ศิริไกร


The objectives of this research were to 1) study the joint and combined military exercise under the framework of  the ASEAN Defence Ministers’ Meeting-Plus (ADMM-Plus) : a case study of Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief (HADR) and Military Medicine (MM) of Thailand in regard to 1) the training management roles of the Royal Thai Armed Force Headquarter; 2) the administrative principle of the POLC affecting the training management roles of the Royal Thai Armed Force Headquarter; 3) the obstacle of the training management roles of the Royal Thai Armed Force Headquarters; 4) propose  development approach for the training management roles of the Royal Thai Armed Force Headquarter by focusing on mixed research for both quantitative and qualitative researches. The populations used in the study were limited amount under Ministry of Defence, Royal Thai Armed Force Headquarters, Royal Thai Army Medical Department and Royal Thai Air Force Medical Department which divided to 240 persons for quantitative research and 18 persons from aforementioned government agencies (except Royal Thai Air Force Medical Department) who gave important information for qualitative research.

               The results of quantitative research upon considering the relationship between the four variables of Administrative Principle of  POLC consisting of 1) Planning : P, 2) Organizing : O, 3) Leading : L, 4) Controlling : C, and Joint and combined training management roles revealed that Planning: P/emphasis of strategic management was the highest positively related to the joint and combined training management roles. The results of qualitative research could be concluded as follows: the obstacle that affected the training management roles of the Royal Thai Armed Force Headquarter was the lack of unity in implementation due to the identity of state agency. The findings also revealed that another factor that affected the training management roles of the Royal Thai Armed Force Headquarters was Coordinating : C, this indicated that the coordinating was one of the important factor to affect the organization success or failure in operation. Therefore, the researcher wished to propose the Model of an additional management principle from POLC to be POLCC which consists of 1) Planning : P, 2) Organizing : O, 3) Leading : L, 4) Coordinating : C and 5) Controlling : C, so that the training management of the Royal Thai Armed Force Headquarters will be higher efficient.

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How to Cite
มงคลทอง จ., & ศิริไกร ส. (2018). Training Management Roles of the Royal Thai Armed Force Headquarters in Supporting the ASEAN Political-Security Community of the Joint and Combined Military Exercise Under the Framework of the ASEAN Defence Ministers’ Meeting-Plus (ADMM-Plus). NKRAFA Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 5, 34–49. Retrieved from
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