Food and Mon Cultural Tourism, Case Study in Mon community, Bang Luang Municipality, Mueang District, Pathum Thani.

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ชุติมา สังคะหะ


The research objective was to demonstrate belief in the importance of food in each tradition to promote cultural tourism in Mon community, Bang Luang municipality, Mueang district, Pathumthani province. The data were obtained from key informants, such as Bang Luang temple’s abbot and assistant abbot, Mayor of Bang Luang subdistrict municipality, chief and deputy chief of Bang Luang municipal cultural center, Pathumthani province cultural office staff, community secondary school teachers. And 9 local wisdoms were obtained by snowball sampling. Observation participation, in-depth semi-structured interview, focus group discussion and group interviews the document was also conducted and related empirical studies. The connection between food and the culture of the Mon is typically demonstrated by four traditions observed at the Bang Lung temple, as well as being generally related to the wider tradition and culture of Buddhism. The main ingredients for the dishes are based on rice and cereal and their belief in each of the food tradition has the meaning of rewarding with prosperity those who are dedicated and who give merit to the deceased ancestors. The first khao thip in the tradition of khao thip making takes place one week before the Mon New Year. The second tradition, which also takes place at New Year April 15th, is known as Mon Songkran and sees celebrants eating khao chae (rice in ice water). Another tradition involves offering a food called krayasarth (cereal bar). Krayasarth making is performed during the 11th lunar month. The last tradition, a honey offering which is observed on the 15th day of the 11th lunar month, involves honey and the preparation of a dish called khao tom luk yon. These traditions, involving the offering of different types of food to monks, go to the heart of Mon culture and can be utilized to actively promote tourism with visitors encouraged to buy the different foods, watching cookery demonstrations, and being taught about the beliefs that underpin these observances. Additionally, another Mon New Year tradition, which could well be used for promotional purposes, is the Swan Parade with its many colorful flags and the bathing rites for images of Buddha and the monks.

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How to Cite
สังคะหะ ช. (2018). Food and Mon Cultural Tourism, Case Study in Mon community, Bang Luang Municipality, Mueang District, Pathum Thani. NKRAFA Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 6, 52–62. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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