Naval Cadets Quality of Work LifeRelating to Engagement with Royal Thai Navy

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อวิรุทธ์ เวียงเก้า


This is a quantitative research. The objectives are to investigate the quality of work life, organizational engagements,different quality of work life and organizational engagements by personal factors, relationship between naval cadet’s quality of work life and organizational engagements. Research participants are 356 naval cadets of the Royal Thai Naval Academy. The questionnaire consists of 3 parts which are general information, quality of work life and organizational engagements. Data was analyzed by descriptive statistics, including frequency, percentage and standard deviation.Hypothesis testing was conductedusing correlation coefficient. The results of the research indicated that the respondents who finished the grade 10th before entering military services, the Armed Forces Academy Preparatory School, have the highest mean of quality of work life and engagements to the Royal Thai Navy compared to other candidates. In addition, the fourth year naval cadets have the peak score in all categories compared to other year levels. The correlation between the quality of work life and the engagements toward the Royal Thai Navy was significant at 0.05 level. Therefore, it can be summarized that the quality of work live of the naval cadets is directly relating to the engagements towards the Royal Thai Navy. It also indicates how the quality of work life impacts naval cadets in each area. More specificallys naval cadets have their pride in serving the Royal Thai Navy. Hence, the commanders could propose strategies and plans to improve the quality of work life and other areas as appropriate.

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How to Cite
เวียงเก้า อ. (2018). Naval Cadets Quality of Work LifeRelating to Engagement with Royal Thai Navy. NKRAFA Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 6, 80–88. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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