The Effectiveness of Educational Administration in Secondary Basic Educational Institutions Under the Sisaket Provincial Administrative Organization

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ชัชฎา ปัสบาล


This thesis studied (1) the effectiveness of educational administration (2) factors relating to the effectiveness of the effectiveness of educational administration (3) the relationship between factors influencing educational effectiveness and (4) finding appropriate solution to increase the effectiveness of educational administration of secondary educational institutions under the Sisaket provincial administration organization. Mixed research methods combining quantitative and qualitative research were used in this study. The sample in this study were from school administrators and teachers in 39 secondary schools with a sampling size of 290 persons using descriptive statistics, correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis. For the qualitative research, in-depth interviews were conducted from 15 key informants from school administrators and sub-committees of personnel administration for teachers. Triangulation data check was used for more reliability in this study. The study showed that the overall effectiveness of educational administration was rated high which contributed from the high rated in factors of educational management administrators and educational management. The educational management administrators were reflected from attitude, communication, human relations, vision and knowledge, respectively. The educational management was reflected from academic administration, budget management, personnel management and general administration. The effectiveness of educational administration of secondary educational institutions under the Sisaket provincial administration organization was high reflected from the high level of student achievement, job satisfaction of teachers, school atmosphere, teacher progress and focus on the organization, respectively . The study also found that the management emphasized contribution on activities rather than academic issues resulting in the lack of vision and administrative resources. The guidelines to increase effectiveness in this study were: 1) supply the needs of learners and locals by the communication between teachers, administrators, parents, and community leaders, 2) the budget should be managed in a systematic, flexible, transparent manner, focusing on achievement and work and 3) general administration should be planned and designed in a systematic management and allocates resources to improve innovation and technology. This includes public relations to disseminate information to the public to raise awareness of the public for the benefit of the community.

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How to Cite
ปัสบาล ช. (2018). The Effectiveness of Educational Administration in Secondary Basic Educational Institutions Under the Sisaket Provincial Administrative Organization. NKRAFA Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 6, 89–102. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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