Development of Knowledge Management Causal Relationship Model of Teachers of Higher Education Institutions in Bangkok Metropolis

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ศิรชญาน์ การะเวก


This research is the Quantitative Research. The objectives of the research were 1)to develop the knowledge management causal relationship model of teachers of higher education institutions in Bangkok Metropolis, 2) to examine consistency of the model and the empirical data, and 3)to study direct effect, indirect effect, and collective effect of factors which affected knowledge management of teachers of higher education institutions in Bangkok Metropolis. The population and research sample consisted of 400 teachers fromhigher education institutions in Bangkok Metropolis. The research tool was the online questionnaire. The data analysis was done by the Structural Equation Model (SEM). The research result was the strategic factor had the positive direct and indirect effects towards knowledge management. The organizational factor had the negative direct effect towards knowledge management. Moreover, the knowledge management causal relationship model of teachers of higher education institutions in Bangkok Metropolis fitted with the empirical data with a good level by given Chi-Square of gif.latex?\chi&space;^{^{2}}= 72.43, df = 41, gif.latex?\chi&space;^{^{2}}/df = 1.76, GFI = 0.94, CFI = 0.96, AGFI = 0.953, p-value = 0.18, RMSEA = 0.03, RMR = 0.04, SRMR = 0.02and the model was able to mutually account for 69 percent of all variances in the knowledge management.

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How to Cite
การะเวก ศ. (2018). Development of Knowledge Management Causal Relationship Model of Teachers of Higher Education Institutions in Bangkok Metropolis. NKRAFA Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 6, 103–113. retrieved from
Research Articles


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