Human Resource Age 4.0

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Prakong Sukhonthajit


In the digital age that has changed all the time, surrounding things have also changed. Living in this era, people must adapt to keep up with the times. Working must be changed. In the field of HR 4.0 is widely discussed and is quickly gaining popularity. Human resource administrators have to hurry to adjust themselves in order to accommodate the impact that will come from changing both the way of thinking , the way of doing business and also adjust themselves to keep pace with the world at all times. The concept of overall human resource management must be entirely reviewed. Human Resources Ages 4.0 must adapt to keep up with changes that occur all the time, such as preparation of human resource in the organization, various technologies that are suitable for work, connection culture between the working world and the private world, social human resource participation at all levels as well as modifying the human resource management 4.0 from human resource recruitment, selection, retention, and development and so on.

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How to Cite
Sukhonthajit, P. (2019). Human Resource Age 4.0. NKRAFA Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 7, 17–28. Retrieved from
Academic Articles


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