Self Esteem, Adversity Quotient and Happiness at Work of Officers at Directorate of Civil Affairs

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กฏชกร บุนนาค
Tippavan Surinya


The objectives of this study were; 1) to study the level of self esteem, adversity quotient and happiness at work of officers at Directorate of Civil Affairs, 2) to compare happiness at work of officers at Directorate of Civil Affairs according to their personal factors, 3) to study relationships between self esteem and happiness at work of officers at Directorate of Civil Affairs, and 4) to study relationships between adversity quotient and happiness at work of officers at Directorate of Civil Affairs. The samples were 188 officers at Directorate of Civil Affairs. Data were collected by using the questionnaires. The statistic methods used for analysis were percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test, F-test and Pearson’s Product Moment Correlation Coefficient. The statistical significance was set at .05 and .01 level. The results of this study indicated that 1) Self esteem, adversity quotient and happiness at work of Officers at Directorate of Civil Affairs were at the high level, 2) Officers at Directorate of Civil Affairs who had different in sex, age, position, education level, marital status, working experience and salary have not different happiness at work, 3) Self esteem have positively correlated with and happiness at work of officers at Directorate of Civil Affairs with statistical significant at .01 level, and 4) Adversity quotient had positive correlation with happiness at work of officers at Directorate of Civil Affairs with statistically significance at .01 level.

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How to Cite
บุนนาค ก., & Surinya, T. (2019). Self Esteem, Adversity Quotient and Happiness at Work of Officers at Directorate of Civil Affairs. NKRAFA Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 7, 55–67. retrieved from
Research Articles


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