The development of school administrators' strategies to the efficiency of the internal quality assurance system to support the evaluation of the new educational quality of secondary schools Under the Office of Secondary Educational Service Area 14

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ณัฐญาพร เสวตานนท์
สิรินธร สินจินดาวงศ์


The purpose of this research is to: 1) Determine procedures and establish educational standards in accordance with internal quality assurance systems to support the evaluation of new external education quality of secondary schools under the Office of Secondary Educational Service Area 14 (Phangnga, Phuket, Ranong). 2) To develop the strategies of the school administrators to the efficiency of internal quality assurance in order to support the evaluation of new external education quality of secondary schools under the Office of Secondary Educational Service Area 14 (Phangnga, Phuket, Ranong). Conducted an in-depth interview and examined the quality of the interview form from experts and updated according to the advice of experts And conducted an in-depth interview from executives with knowledge of the new educational quality assurance and who were selected by the Office of Secondary Educational Service Area 14 to be an educational quality assessor in the fourth round. 10 people. The research found that Steps in the preparation of educational standards, internal quality assurance of secondary schools under the Office of Secondary Educational Service Area, Region 14, total 5 steps, Step 1 Prepare and set the standard of education. Step 2 Analyze the relationship of educational standards. Step 3 Determine the educational standards and the list of considerations. Step 4 Examine and review educational standards. Consider. In determining the school's educational standards. There are 3 standards, including standard 1, quality of learners, standard 2, administrative and management processes, standard 3, teaching-learning process that focuses on learners. There are 21 items considered by the Office of Educational Testing. Office of the Basic Education Commission determines and has a list of consideration. Additional consideration items vary according to context, vision, mission, purpose, identity, identity, strengths of educational institutions. Participation in projects and agencies and other agencies of educational institutions such as schools, juristic persons Highly competitive schools International standard school Pracha Rat School Moral school Honest school Sub-district quality schools, etc. Making a memorandum of understanding or cooperation (MOU) of educational institutions  and agencies and other agencies. Other strategies of the school administrators to the efficiency of internal quality assurance are 8 strategies, namely 1) management and information system management 2) development of educational standards 3) preparation of educational development plans 4) plan implementation Develop quality of education 5) Educational quality review and review 6) Educational quality assessment and judgment level 7) Annual quality of education report 8) Continuing system maintenance Educational quality assurance.

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How to Cite
เสวตานนท์ ณ., & สินจินดาวงศ์ ส. (2019). The development of school administrators’ strategies to the efficiency of the internal quality assurance system to support the evaluation of the new educational quality of secondary schools Under the Office of Secondary Educational Service Area 14. NKRAFA Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 7, 5–16. Retrieved from
Academic Articles


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