The Study on English Reading Comprehension Ability of the Fourth-Year Naval Cadets and their Opinions towards Teaching Behaviors in Instructor of English Reading Course

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ชัยวัฒน์ บวรวัฒนเศรษฐ์


The objectives of this research were to 1) analyze confirmatory factor analysis of the fourth-year naval cadets’ English reading comprehension ability 2) study the fourth-year naval cadets’ English reading comprehension ability and 3) study the fourth-year naval cadets’ opinions towards English reading comprehension teaching behaviors. The population was sixty-nine naval cadets selected from the fourth-year level studying their final semester in academic year 2019. The research instruments were two rating-scale questionnaires and an achievement test. The data were statistically analyzed by mean (), standard deviation (), confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) and one-way analysis of variance (F-test). The findings were as follows: 1) factors of the fourth-year naval cadets’ English reading comprehension ability comprised three components: Factor 1 literal comprehension including 7 indicators, Factor 2 inferential comprehension including 7 indicators and Factor 3 critical comprehension including 7 indicators. There were totally 21 indicators with a range of factors loadings from 0.40 to 0.87, Eigen values from 5.24-20.38 and a cumulative percentage variance at 87.96. 2) the study of the fourth-year naval cadets’ English reading comprehension ability revealed that the average test score was overall at a moderate level. When considering specifically, the average test score of management science section was the highest at a relatively good level, followed by hydrographic engineering section which was at a moderate level. On the other hand, the average test score of hydrographic engineering section was the least at a minimum criterion. 3) the study of the fourth-year naval cadets’ opinions towards English reading comprehension teaching behaviors was found that the mean of English reading comprehension teaching behaviors in all aspects were overall at a moderate level, excluding a personality aspect with its mean at a high level. The result of one-way analysis of variance revealed that there were no statistically significant differences at .05 level in English reading comprehension teaching behaviors when comparing between the section which the fourth-year naval cadets were studying in.

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How to Cite
บวรวัฒนเศรษฐ์ ช. (2020). The Study on English Reading Comprehension Ability of the Fourth-Year Naval Cadets and their Opinions towards Teaching Behaviors in Instructor of English Reading Course. NKRAFA Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 8, 90–104. Retrieved from
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