Attitudes toward the ASEAN Community of Pathumwan Institute of Technology Students

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Thuntuch Viphatphumiprathes
Hattaphan Wongcharee


The objectives of this research were 1) to study the attitudes toward the ASEAN Community of Pathumwan Institute of Technology students and 2) to compare their attitudes by classifying their sex, faculties, and years of study. A form of attitude measurement was used to collect data from 269 students of Faculty of Engineering and Faculty of Science and Technology, Pathumwan Institute of Technology, Semester 1/2020.Descriptive statistics, including mean and standard deviation and the inferential statistics, which were independent t-test and One-Way ANOVA, were applied to analyze the collected data. Research results showed that 1) their overall attitudes toward the ASEAN Community were at somewhat high levels (Mean = 3.61, S.D.= 0.72). When considering by aspect, the highest level of attitude was the willingness to support in the event of a disaster in the ASEAN member states (Mean = 4.08, S.D.= 0.89) whereas the lowest attitude was the perception of benefits of the family from joining the ASEAN Community (Mean= 3.15, S.D.= 1.17). 2) There were no statistically significant differences in the levels of overall attitudes toward the ASEAN Community when comparing by their sex and faculties. Meanwhile, the students from different years of study had a statistically significant difference in the levels of overall attitudes.

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How to Cite
Viphatphumiprathes, T., & Wongcharee, H. (2021). Attitudes toward the ASEAN Community of Pathumwan Institute of Technology Students. NKRAFA Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 9, 32–42. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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