From Estonia to E-Estonia: A 30-years Lesson in Governance and Government Reform

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Irin Rotrak


This academic article aimed to present why the Republic of Estonia was a small country located in Northern Europe close to Finland and Russia. Which had a total population of just 1.3 million people and the Republic of Estonia used to be under the rule of communism and separated from the Soviet Union in 1991. When 30 years have passed, a country that was 10 times smaller than Thailand. They evolved to be a developed country then they have gotten as one of the most advanced digital economy societies in the world. So obviously that the historical background contributed to the building of Estonia's bureaucracy. And bringing digital innovations to develop the country by leaps and bounds. In addition, the country’s leaders had a long-term vision that was making it possible to see the importance of the development of the bureaucracy to keep up with the current world.

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How to Cite
Rotrak, I. (2021). From Estonia to E-Estonia: A 30-years Lesson in Governance and Government Reform. NKRAFA Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 9, 161–174. Retrieved from
Academic Articles


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