The Influence of Motivation Factors in Selecting Tourist Destinations Reviewed by Youtubers via Social Media YouTube

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             The objective of this research was to study the influence of motivational factors for choosing destinations based on the reviews of YouTube social media by YouTubers. A total of 400 samples were randomly selected. The tools employed to collect the data were questionnaires. The statistics used for data analysis were percentage, mean, frequency distribution, standard deviation, and multiple regression analysis. The analysis of the linear regression equation in the form of a multiple regression analysis on the motivation of the destination selection of Thai tourists in Bangkok, according to YouTube reviews of the YouTubers. The results of the study showed that 1) The Adjusted R Square is 0.848, which means that the independent variables are the motivation of YouTuber influence, content creation, video clip of the YouTuber, YouTuber emotional motivation, the motivation of reviewing tourist attractions, the motivation of reviewing facilities, and the motivation of reviewing the activities and highlights of the attractions influences the dependent variable for 84.80% which is the choice of destinations based on YouTuber reviews on the YouTube social media. 2) YouTuber influence, Motivation content creation, video clips of YouTuber, and YouTuber's emotional review motivation have influenced the selection of destinations based on YouTuber reviews on YouTube social media at a statistical significance level of 0.01.

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How to Cite
TOTHARONG, C. (2022). The Influence of Motivation Factors in Selecting Tourist Destinations Reviewed by Youtubers via Social Media YouTube. NKRAFA Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 10, 118–128. Retrieved from
Research Articles
Author Biography

CHONGSUDA TOTHARONG, Dhurakij Pundit University





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