The relation between intra – organizational communication and personnel’s operational efficiency of Office of the President, Mahidol University

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Chakrakrishna Bhangam


The objectives of this research were 1) to study the intra – organizational communication of Office of the President, Mahidol University 2) to study the operational efficiency of Office of the President, Mahidol University 3) to study the relation between Intra – organizational communication and personnel’s operational efficiency of Office of the President, Mahidol University. The samples used on unit of analysis were 128 persons work for Office of the President, Mahidol University. The instrument used was a questionnaire and analysis data by statistical processing software package. The statistics used in data analysis were frequency value, percentage, mean, standard deviations (S.D.), and Pearson's correlation coefficient.

The result of the study were as follows 1) The intra – organizational communication of Office of the President, Mahidol University in the overall image was the most average level from high to low as follows (1) horizontal communication (2) downward communication and (3) diagonal communication 2) The operational efficiency of Office of the President, Mahidol University in the overall image was the most average level from high to low as follows (1) worthwhile (2) working time and (3) workload  3) The relation between Intra – organizational communication and personnel’s operational efficiency of Office of the President, Mahidol University were positive correlations in every aspect and the most correlations level from high to low as follows (1) downward communication  (2) diagonal communication and (3) upward communication.

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How to Cite
Bhangam, C. (2022). The relation between intra – organizational communication and personnel’s operational efficiency of Office of the President, Mahidol University. NKRAFA Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 10, 33–44. Retrieved from
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