The Process of Building a School Safety Culture to Prevent Student Bullying in the Kasetsart University Laboratory School Kamphaeng Saen Campus

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The objectives of this research were 1) to explore the problem condition and the prevention of bullying in the Kasetsart University Laboratory School Kamphaeng Saen Campus, and 2) to develop the process of building a safety culture in the Kasetsart University Laboratory School Kamphaeng Saen Campus. The researcher used mixed methods research. For the quantitative research, the researcher used a survey on the problem of bullying in the Kasetsart University Laboratory School Kamphaeng Saen Campus. The sample consisted of 50 administrators and teachers and 489 students using the accidental sampling method. For the qualitative research, the researcher used action research with 90 administrators and teachers and 90 parents. Data were collected by convenience sampling.

The results of the study showed that 1) problem condition and problem prevention of bullying in the Kasetsart University Laboratory School Kamphaeng Saen Campus from the perspective of administrators and teachers is at the highest level, while in the perspective of students, it is at nonexistent level, 2) The process of building a safety culture in Kasetsart University Laboratory School Kamphaeng Saen Campus has 3 steps: 1) Provide knowledge and understanding and develop anti-bullying skills for administrators, teachers, and personnel in the school, 2) administrators jointly formulate policy guidelines for building a school safety culture in the Kasetsart University Laboratory School Kamphaeng Saen Campus and become a CARE model, coupled with the student care system of the school, and 3) Provide knowledge and understanding and develop anti-bullying skills for parents in schools by the multidisciplinary team.

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How to Cite
TANTICHUWET, P., SUWAN, S., POONSRI, W., & FAKCHAROENPHOL, W. (2022). The Process of Building a School Safety Culture to Prevent Student Bullying in the Kasetsart University Laboratory School Kamphaeng Saen Campus. NKRAFA Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 10. Retrieved from
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