Scientific Language

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Monnipha Gardner


Since scientists are required to have a method of efficient and effective communication when speaking or writing, a specialist language has been developed, known as "scientific language." This specialty language, which is essential for scientists can also prove to be severely limiting, when trying to be utilised by non-scientists. When a language becames more specialised, it also becomes more difficult to recognise and use by those who are not familiar with that particular branch of science and the language and idioms used by the scientists. This style of writing is most commonly seen in articles and publications by professional scientists, but also frequently occurs in research articles found within the school system. This article analyses features of scientific language at different levels: word, sentence, paragraph, and passage.

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How to Cite
Gardner, M. (2012). Scientific Language. LEARN Journal: Language Education and Acquisition Research Network, 2, 13–32. Retrieved from
Research Articles