Bridging Borders with a Project-based Approach to Enhance Bidirectional Cultural Awareness in Foreign Language Teaching and Learning
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Cultural awareness is essential in foreign language education. This paper explores two projects that exemplify the integration of cultural elements into foreign language learning involving both first language (L1) and second language (L2) cultures. The first project was initiated in the course “German Cinema”. It focuses on the legendary English-language sketch “Dinner for One”, which has been part of traditional New Year’s Eve entertainment in the German-speaking world for over sixty years. Students explored its significance within German culture through surveys, translation, creative adaptations and organised an imaginary festival. These activities foster intercultural dialogue and understanding. The second project, “Die goldene Meergundel” (The Golden Goby), is an extracurricular activity that integrates Thai culture with the German language. A Thai fairy tale was performed in Likay-style theatre, but was spoken and sung entirely in German. The blending of Thai folklore with German pronunciation can enhance both cross-cultural appreciation and linguistic proficiency. These case studies underscore the significance of enhancing bidirectional cultural awareness in foreign language teaching and learning. Educators can act as facilitators by engaging students in projects that transcend linguistic boundaries, effectively bridging cultural borders, and cultivating foreign language learners to be equipped with intercultural competence and global citizenship.
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