Analyzing EMI Medical Classroom Discourse to Identify Language Strategies for Teachers: an Application of the ‘English-for-Teaching' Framework
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Conceptualizing how EMI teachers use language in multilingual university settings remains a challenge. While previous studies have explored the language challenges faced by EMI science teachers, few have operationalized ‘classroom routines’ for understanding classroom language use. This feasibility study applies Freeman et al.'s (2015) ‘English-for-Teaching’ framework to a graduate-level EMI medical training program in Thailand, the first of its kind, designed to prepare students for residency in Thailand and BANA (Britain, Australasia, and North America) countries. Findings suggest that the EMI medical teachers under study heavily relied on their lesson content, with opportunities for teachers to situate student learning more through language strategies in assessments and feedback to enhance student understanding and engagement. The study highlights the importance of EMI medical teachers preparing language strategies for higher-order communication tasks, such as when using metaphors or analogies. Overall, the ‘English-for-Teaching’ framework can allow EMI medical teachers to reflect on the language strategies they employ to achieve their teaching goals by focusing on producing comprehensible input rather than on being measured by native-speaker standards.
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