Welcome to the official website of NAJUA: History of Architecture and Thai Architecture (NAJUA: HATA). Our journal, operating under the Faculty of Architecture at Silpakorn University, has been a cornerstone in the study of architectural history and Thai architecture for over 20 years, proudly reaching this milestone in 2023.

NAJUA: HATA eagerly invites contributions from scholars of all generations. We are committed to advancing knowledge in architectural history, Thai architecture, architectural preservation, and related subjects. We highly value articles that explore new research areas, challenge conventional frameworks, and present fresh perspectives.

Our editorial board, composed of dedicated scholars, meticulously selects content for publication. Each article undergoes a rigorous peer-review process by experts in the field, ensuring the highest standards of academic excellence. Our website provides access to current and past issues, as well as the latest news and updates.


Journal Abbreviation: NAJUA: HATA
Online ISSN: 2697-3901
Print ISSN: 1686-1841
Start Year: 2004
Languages: Thai and English
Issues per Year: 2 (January-June, July-December)

Academic Seminar


The Second Year Progress Report

TRF Senior Research Scholar Project, “ASEAN as One Country: Architectural and Cultural Comparisons of Thailand and Southeast Asia,” funded by the National Research Council of Thailand (NRCT)


On Saturday, September 28th, 2024
Venue: Auditorium, Silpakorn University, Wang Tha Phra Branch, Bangkok


If there is additional information from the organizers, the journal will continue to provide updates.

Vol. 21 Iss. 1 [January - June 2024]

Published: 22-06-2024

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