Factors Affecting Willingness to Pay for Fixed Broadband Internet Service during COVID-19 Pandemic
Willingness to pay, Fixed broadband internet, COVID-19, Unlicensed ban, Multiple linear regressionAbstract
Fixed broadband internet via Wi-Fi connection has been drastically increasing in Thailand. This research studied factors affecting the willingness to pay for fixed broadband internet during the COVID-19 pandemic. Household samples from various regions of Thailand were surveyed and analyzed by using multiple linear regression. Three main variables included the demographic characteristics, internet connection device, and changing in internet usage due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The study revealed that the three variables contributed to higher willingness to pay. An increasing in willingness to pay indicated that the society enjoyed more benefits from unlicensed ban, in particular for the users. Therefore, regulators should promote free and fair competition, while regulate on service fees. At the same time, usage monitoring of unlicensed ban should be intensified so that better services can be provided to consumers.
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