Modern veterinary medicine of the Siamese government during the reign of King Chulalongkorn

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Thep Boontanondha


After signing the Bowring Treaty in the reign of King Mongkut, rice became the most significant export of Siam. At the same time, the demand for rice rapidly increased in foreign countries. Therefore, the Siamese government expandedthe cultivatedareabyconstructing more canals. However, expanding the cultivated area was not the only factor needed to increase the agricultural product. Decreasing the mortality rate of food-producing animals, including cattle,buffaloes,pigs andsheep, was another factor contributingto the increase of agriculture products. Therefore, during the reign of King Chulalongkorn, which was the age that Siam received knowledge and technology from the West, the Government decided to hire Western veterinarians to serve the government. Simultaneously, a school of veterinary medicine was established for training Thai veterinarians. After that, the knowledge of veterinary science was used to prevent and control epidemics in animals through animal quarantine and vaccination. Furthermore, the influence of the West onanimal welfare also encouragedthe government to enact laws relating to animal welfare of livestock that would be sent to foreign countries.

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How to Cite
Boontanondha, T. (2022). Modern veterinary medicine of the Siamese government during the reign of King Chulalongkorn. Journal of Thai Studies, 18(2), 1–25. retrieved from
Research article


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