Social mechanism that lead to the strengthening of the community under the population dynamic : Case Study of Surao Ban Don Community

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Siriwan Siriboon


Surao Ban Don Community was settled in Bangkok more than 200 years ago. The community is situated on the banks of the Saensaeb Canal. The economic development of Bangkok under the concept of capitalism, which can be found in the construction of Phetchaburi Road and Sukhumvit Road, led to a drastic change in the size of the population, population diversity and community disorder. Saensaeb Canal acted as the last stronghold to protect the community from external threat.

This study suggests that community sustainability cannot rely solely on physical advantages. Social mechanisms as measured in terms of three components, namely, a value system, economic capital and human resources, are the key factors for community solidarity. In addition, it is suggested that although a community is strengthened, each community cannot exist in the form of a closed society. The process of co-management should be channeled from the individual level, community organizations or groups within the community up to network building outside the community. Cooperation among households, schools and temples or mosques are the key success factors in strengthening public participation. Strategies in terms of top-down management should be reformed to bottom-up management. There is no specif ic model for co-management. Co-management varies with the unique conditions and characteristics of each area. The same basic “blue print” cannot be drawn. Joining in any community activities should be restructured from cooperation to participation. Participation means thinking, planning and working together. Community participation is a signif icant social mechanism for sustainable development.

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How to Cite
Siriboon, S. (2023). Social mechanism that lead to the strengthening of the community under the population dynamic : Case Study of Surao Ban Don Community. Journal of Thai Studies, 8(2), 25–58. retrieved from
Research article
Author Biography

Siriwan Siriboon

Researcher, College of Population Studies, Chulalongkorn University


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