The Recitation and Intoned Conversation of Nang Yai : The Fading Intellectual Cultural Heritage
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This research aims to study the knowledge of the recitation and intoned conversation of Nang Yai (Large Shadow Puppet). The researcher interviewed Master Vira Mimuean who conserves and transmits the recitationintoned conversation style of Nang Yai from Master M.R. Charoonsawat Suksawat of Phraya Natthakanurak (Thongdee Suvarnaparata)’s school. At present, Master Vira Mimuean is the only one who has kept the traditional voice and Nang Yai recitation.
From the research, The researcher discovered that the knowledge of recitation-intoned conversation is composed of the practicice of recitationintoned conversation of Nang Yai, Kratoo and Loy dok conversation. There are eight steps in the recitation and intoned conversation which are Recognizing the prosody, Word compresses, Voice compresses, Dividing syllables, Using neck, Compounding conversation, Recognizing melodies, Recognizing intonations. The research focuses on the importance of the recitation and intoned conversation of Nang Yai in terms of the intellectual cultural heritage of the nation.
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