Culture in Cross–border Trade along the Banks of the Mekong River
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This paper explores cross–border trade along the Thai–Laos border which is demarcated by the Mekong River and her tributaries. The paper covers the influence of the historical background of cross–border trade along the Mekong River; the significant of border trade to the lives of the people on the banks of the river; the role of the people along the banks of the river in the development of trade; and how the relationship of the people affects cross–border trade.
Cross–border trade plays a crucial role in the lives of the people along the banks of the river. The Lao depend mostly on Thai consumer products to sustain their lives and the Thai depend on border trading to make their living. The historical background of the same race and the same nation is the most important contribution to the existing of cross–border trade along the Mekong River. The close relationship of the people as friends and relatives creates a collaboration of the people in setting up and developing the trade pattern which is consistent with their way of life. As a result, cross–border trade has become part of the culture of the people living on the banks of the Mekong River.
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