Chula Kathin Festival at Sri That Temple of Singh Village Yasothon province : The Current Revitalization and Invention of the Ritual

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Surachai Chinnabutr


Singh village, formerly known as Singh Khok, of Mueang district, Yasothon province, has been established by a group of Lao people, led by Phra Wo, emigrating to Champasak of Lao People’s Democratic Republic. This article aims at examining the revitalization of the Chula Katin Z Buddhist robe – offering ) festival, with the addition of several new ritual processes, held by the Singh villagers and to study the function of the festival for the villagers. According to the study, the purpose of the robe – offering festival in the past is to earn great merit. Another finding is that he festival is invented for the sacralization and justification of its hosts. Therefore, it can be believed that the Chula Kathin festival held by Singh villagers is the tradition newly invented by a group of people to achieve their goal . Moreover, the festival’s purpose is changed from traditional robe-offering to money – gathering for the construction of monastery’s public property such as a pavilion or a consecrated assembly hall. These need so much capital for the construction that the temple authority cannot afford to do. Thus’ the authority and villagers have to gather money from inside and outside their village in order to complete their task. This study reflects about the invention of ritual for the sacralization and justification of the hosts who offer the robe.

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How to Cite
Chinnabutr, S. (2023). Chula Kathin Festival at Sri That Temple of Singh Village Yasothon province : The Current Revitalization and Invention of the Ritual. Journal of Thai Studies, 9(1), 165–195. retrieved from
Research article
Author Biography

Surachai Chinnabutr

An Official Teaching Roi-Et Primany Education Service Area Office 2


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