The Pagoda-Hall: A New Form of Buddhist Architecture in the Reign of King Rama V


  • Napat Kwanmuang




Six royal temples were ordered to be built during the reign of King Rama V: Ratchabopitsahtimahasimaram Temple, Sattanatpariwat Temple, Dhebsirin Temple, Niwetdhammaprawat Temple, Aatsadangnimit Temple, and Benjamabopitdusitwanaram Temple.

The study focused only on the main hall of Aatsadangnimit Temple, which was built in a bell-shaped with a high base. The base functions as a hall for Buddhist ceremonies. Therefore, the structure is the combination of a pagoda and a hall and is referred to as a ‘Pagoda-Hall’. This style never existed before the reign of King Rama V. 

The reason for constructing the pagoda-hall was to maximize space utilization in the pagoda. The pagoda-hall adopted Western-style construction in order to do so. There had been previous efforts to combine a hall and pagoda in a single building. An example of this is the hall of Niwetdhammaprawat Temple, where a small bell-shaped pagoda is placed in a platform in the hall.

Usually temple complexes include a hall and a pagoda that are built separately. However, as temple architecture evolved, these two structures began to share side walls, and finally were constructed as a single building by placing the base of the pagoda on top of the hall as illustrated in the pagoda-hall at Aatsadangnimit Temple.

Author Biography

Napat Kwanmuang

Lecturer, Thai Architecture, Faculty of Architecture, Chulalongkorn University



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How to Cite

Kwanmuang, N. (2023). The Pagoda-Hall: A New Form of Buddhist Architecture in the Reign of King Rama V. Journal of Thai Studies, 9(2), 41–71. Retrieved from



Research article
