Folk Music in the Classical Dance Drama of H.R.H. Prince Narisaranuvattiwongse


  • Rattanaphon Chuenka




The purpose of this research includes the exploration and analysis of folk music patterns in the classical dance dramas or “Lakorn Duekdamban” of H.R.H. Prince Narisaranuvattiwongse in order to explore the relationship of poetic forms between folk music and verse drama and analyze the role of folk music in the classical dance dramas.

According to the research findings, H.R.H. Prince Narisaranuvattiwongse used folk music in five classical dance dramas, Khawi, Inao, Sangsilpachai, Khun Chang Khun Phaen and Phra Maniphichai. In this regard, four patterns of folk music can be found: lullabies, songs for children’s plays, dialogue songs and songs for adult plays.

In addition the folk music used in the classical dance dramas of H.R.H. Prince Narisaranuvattiwongse has four roles: 1) to create enjoyment and amusement of the performance, 2) to enhance the realness of the performance, 3) to present national cultural uniqueness, and 4) to mark the change of folk music from oral to written literature.

Author Biography

Rattanaphon Chuenka

Lecturer, Department of Literature, Faculty of Humanities, Kasetsart University


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How to Cite

Chuenka, R. (2023). Folk Music in the Classical Dance Drama of H.R.H. Prince Narisaranuvattiwongse. Journal of Thai Studies, 9(2), 131–160. Retrieved from



Research article
