Symbols of the Monastery Serfs of Wat Phra That Phanom in Khao Phichaphagaya Offering and Sia Kha Hua Ritual


  • Surachai Chinabutr




Phra That Phanom, originally located on Doi Kapanakiri or Phu Kam Pra, is a spiritual center of the Mekong riverine people, located in That Phanom District of Nakorn Phanom Province. Annually, on the full moon of the third lunar month, the ritual of paying homage to Phra That Phanom is held. This paper aims to analyze the symbolization of the rites of the Khao Phichaphagaya offering and the Sia Kha Hua ritual to the Kha-okasa group (monastery serfs) of Wat Phra That Phanom and their existence in modern society.

It has been discovered that Khao Phichaphagaya refers to agricultural crops including rice, corn, bananas, and sugar cane, harvested from the monastery land, called a windmill field, donated to the monastery. On the 8th day of the 3rd lunar month, the monastery serfs offer Khan Mak Beng, and golden and silver flowers, symbolizing the contributions, of the five kings who constructed Phra That Phanom. In addition, they perform the Sia Kha Hua ritual (donations for maintaining the monastery). Terminated by the Proclamation of Slave Independence by King Rama V, the monastery serfs of Wat Phra That Phanom gradually disappeared from the monastery. However, even arnidst rapid social change, these inherited rites at Wat Phra That Phanom are annually performed. This study reflects the monastery serfs’ beliefs in Phra That Phanom in modern society.

Author Biography

Surachai Chinabutr

Lecturer of Department of Thai, Faculty of Humanities and Social Science, Sakon Nakhon Rajabhat University


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How to Cite

Chinabutr, S. (2023). Symbols of the Monastery Serfs of Wat Phra That Phanom in Khao Phichaphagaya Offering and Sia Kha Hua Ritual. Journal of Thai Studies, 9(2), 161–189. Retrieved from



Research article
