The Creation of Mahājanaka Jātaka for Television Cartoon


  • Supak Mahavarakorn
  • Prit Supasetsiri




This research aimed to study the change of presenting Pramahajanaka in the form of television animation and its role in the media of the Thai society. Findings revealed that the detail story of Pramahajanaka in television animation which was broadcast through television media and remade in the form of video media (DVD) has been changed and adapted to suit the audience who are children in the Thai society. The change involves four aspects. First, the term “Viriya Parami” was clearly defined and explained. Second, the characterization of the main characters focused on Pramahajanaka and his friends in the City of Kalajambaka. Third, the plotting of main events included Pramahajanaka’s being badly treated by friends, his fleeing from home, and being tested of his incarnated power. Fourth, screen and costume were well-designed. All changes facilitated the perception and understanding of children. Obviously, this study reflected the role of Pramahajanaka Animation in the Thai society in two ways: the teaching of Dhamma and the glorification of His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej Indeed, it is an effective way of learning Buddhist teaching of Dhamma through the increaslying influential mass media in the Thai society.

Author Biographies

Supak Mahavarakorn

Assistant Professor Dr. of Department of Thai and Oriental Language, Faculty of Humanities, Srinakharinwirot University

Prit Supasetsiri

Associate of College of Social Communication Innovation, Srinakharinwirot University


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How to Cite

Mahavarakorn, S., & Supasetsiri, P. (2023). The Creation of Mahājanaka Jātaka for Television Cartoon. Journal of Thai Studies, 10(1), 27–53. Retrieved from



Research article
