The Role of Buddhist Monks and Novices with Respect to the Ten Thai Arts and Crafts during the Rattanakosin Period


  • Rungaroon Kulthamrong




The aim of this research article is to focus on the tradition and the role of Buddhist monks and novices with respect to the Ten Thai Arts and Crafts during Rattanakosin Period.

The research found that the role of monks and novices as related to arts and crafts work can be traced to the Tripitaka Buddhist Scriptures in the section of monastic disciplines or Vinaya Pitaka. There is evidence from the time of the Buddha that monks received the Buddha’s permission in conducting Navakam (construction) by themselves or supervising someone in the repair of five kinds of Senasana (lodgings): temples; central shrines; traditional thatched-roof houses; empty abodes or uninhabited spots; and caves – including the structural elements of door panels, windows, ceilings, moral paintings, stairs, arched entrances, beds, and stools. The role of monks and novices also included training in Navakam for laymen. Their roles in arts and crafts work developed onward to the Rattanakosin Period of Siam with prominent construction work in monasteries which has been codified into the Ten Arts and Crafts Work. The monk and novice’s craftsmanship includes the roles of craftsman, supervisor, instructor or trainer, disciple, and conservator pertinent to the monasteries. Through the study on traditional construction, some standardization has been developed institutionally into the system of the Non-Formal Education established in the Dhamma Studies School according to the ideas regarding educational management of Somdej Phra Thep Rattana Rajasuda Siam Boromraja Kumaree since 2007 until the present time (2014). This systematized direction has continuously maintained the connection between Buddhism and the Ten Arts and Crafts Work as a cultural inheritance in Thai society.

Author Biography

Rungaroon Kulthamrong

Researcher P7, Institute of Thai Studies, Chulalongkorn University


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How to Cite

Kulthamrong, R. (2023). The Role of Buddhist Monks and Novices with Respect to the Ten Thai Arts and Crafts during the Rattanakosin Period. Journal of Thai Studies, 10(2), 1–37. Retrieved from



Research article
