Wisdom in “Phrae-Wa Silk of Phu Thai, Baan Phon”: Dynamic and Assimilation


  • Nittaya Wannakit




This article aims to examine the process of weaving Phrae-Wa silk by Phu Thai ethnic groups, located in Phon community, Khum-muang, Kalasin Province. Such a process has taken on the role as an important economic scheme of the community. The study focuses on two main aspects: the dynamic and expansion of the knowledge of weaving clothes; and the role and status of the community in managing the community to be a self-sufficiency business of the Phu Thai people in Baan Phon. The findings show that the process of Phrae-Wa silk weaving was developed through collective wisdom and experiences, instead of merely being produced for economic profit. The Phrae-Wa silk represents cultural heritage that conveys the essence of the Phu Thai ethnic group since its origins. Such cultural heritage then has been bound to a business system in a transition role of the Phrae-Wa silk as the traditional wisdom of the community. The silk product has become a substitution for a better quality of life in the community. Hence, people have adapted to change and transformed their weaving process from household commerce to a community business. The traditional weaving which served as the people lifestyle and culture accordingly has become commercial weaving.

The transition of the weaving process reveals the community’s approach and transformation according to the situation from the external society. From the application of their traditional wisdom, the community has created opportunities for their earning and living. In addition, the group of Phrae-Wa silk weavers has been transformed into a community organization to promote the people’s compatibilities and strengths and contribute to the progresses of the people’s various capacities, both directly and indirectly. Therefore, this has become a good source to serve other potential development in the community. The weaving helps the community engage in other complementary activities, such as home-stay, garments, mulberry farming for silkworm, etc. The above mentioned demonstrates that the Baan Phon community has been able to retain its traditional wisdom, which was then developed and applied to the community’s way of earning a living. This also reflects social change without eliminating the traditional culture. The Phrae-Wa weaving of the Phu Thai ethnic group in Baan Phon manifests the bond of the community’s cultural conscience from the past to present. This can be an indication, particularly, to encourage the community’s strength and sustainable self-reliance.

Author Biography

Nittaya Wannakit

Lecturer in Department of Thai and Oriental Language, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Mahasarakham University, Thailand


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How to Cite

Wannakit, N. (2023). Wisdom in “Phrae-Wa Silk of Phu Thai, Baan Phon”: Dynamic and Assimilation. Journal of Thai Studies, 10(2), 63–86. Retrieved from https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/TSDJ/article/view/263695



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