Indigo Dye Fabric: Commodization of Culture in the Tide of Globalization


  • Danaya Chathiphot




The purpose of this research was to study Indigo dyed fabric as cultural products of the Sakon Nakhon province which represent the Phu Tai ethnic group and to describe the process and revival of Indigo dyed fabric at the present time.

The research found that Indigo dye fabric is intellectual heritage from their ancestors. The local wisdom of Indigo dye fabric developed along with the weaving of the fabric and their fabric culture. Becoming an expert in weaving and dyeing has been a socialization factor for Phu Tai women. In the past the Indigo dyed fabric was manufactured to meet the lifestyle of the family and other traditions without sign value thought.

At the present, Indigo dye fabric has become an important cultural product of Sakon Nakhon province. Although in the past the production of Indigo dye fabric product was used only for personal use, it is now one of the sources of income for the local community.

Since Indigo dye fabric has become one of the sources of income of Sakon Nakhon province, in particular, and the economy of the country, in general, there should be encouragement and promotion of the products in other provinces and countries at regional and global levels.

Author Biography

Danaya Chathiphot

Lecturer, Department of Thai, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Sakon Nakhon Rajabhat University


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How to Cite

Chathiphot, D. (2023). Indigo Dye Fabric: Commodization of Culture in the Tide of Globalization. Journal of Thai Studies, 10(2), 87–116. Retrieved from



Research article
