Monkey Show: From Folk Performance To National Intangible Cultural Heritage


  • Rattanaphon Chuenka




This research aims to collect all available knowledge about the Monkey Show in Thailand, as well as analyze the role and sustainability of this art as part of Thailand’s Intangible Cultural Heritage. The work focuses on the troupe “Sisphrakarn”, the only existing Monkey Show troupe, in order to collect all available knowledge and help create a sense of pride and ownership among the people of Thailand and boost moral support to the troupe who plays an important role in supporting and sustaining the knowledge of the Monkey Show act. This study analyaes and traces the background and literary reviews of the history of Monkey act Show in the areas where this show has been active, such as in Nakornsawan, Rachaburi, and Bangkok.

This research is conducted through community participation: by 1) obtaining permission from the owner of the show to gather information and conduct public intervies, 2) receiving permission to film the show, and 3) collecting social opinions through the use of public questionnaires to entitle the show as Thailand’s Intangible Cultural Heritage. Moreover, during this project we have had the opportunity to organize a public hearing on the subject of “Monkey Show as Thailand’s Intangible Cultural Heritage” and a seminar, “Monkey Show: Folk performance and its submission as Thailand’s Intangible Cultural Heritage.” Lastly, the project also gives “Sisphrakarn” the opportunity to review and reestablish their knowledge about the performance by giving full support to the researcher.

The research has found there have been the different troupes of Monkey Shows in Thailand: Wattana Vanorn Troupe, Thaimankong Troupe, Damrong Silpa Vanorn Troupe and Sisphrakarn Troupe. However only is still Sisphrakarn running their show and passing knowledge among family members such as, Mr.Panya Kanrobru, and his heir and successors, Mr.Vatchara Kanrobru, Ms.Vatcharee Kanrobru and Mr.Prakit Kanrobru.

The current situation of the Monkey Show is in crisis. Sisphrakarn Troupe’s popularity has been significantly lessened compared to that of the past. The role of Monkey Show today presented themselves as 1) a form of entertainment and 2) as a present to fulfill one’s vow to the gods. The research has found that there are 3 factors to threaten with knowledge of Monkey Show: transmitter, successor and state of showing.

Author Biography

Rattanaphon Chuenka

Lecturer of Department of Literature, Faculty of Humanities, Kasetsart University


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How to Cite

Chuenka, R. (2023). Monkey Show: From Folk Performance To National Intangible Cultural Heritage. Journal of Thai Studies, 11(2), 1–33. Retrieved from



Research article
