The Concept of “Civilization” in the Early Bangkok Tourist Guide of Thailand


  • Vannaporn Phongpheng




This article aims to analyze the concept of “civilization as” reflected by the representation of the identities of “State Temples and Palaces” on Rattanakosin Island from a documentary work entitled “Exploring Bangkok through archaeological tour” of M.C. Phunphitsamai Ditsakun. This book is the first Bangkok tourist guide influenced by conventional concept of civilization produced by the Siamese court that aimed to change Thais’ viewpoint “State about Temples and Palaces”, from being sacred spaces to being the center of Buddhist civilization. It is clear that this book is the exemplar of how civilization knowledge was constructed through the lens of an elite scholar in the early Bangkok tourism period, as well as the beginning of Bangkok tourism based on academic knowledge.

The study reveals that the concept of civilization is a conventional concept appearing in Thai elites’ works which has been used through times. In such a context, Buddhist Civilization is a prominent aspect of Thai civilization appearing in this sort of work. The image of Bangkok as a “Buddhist City” is the outstanding image in this book. The significance of Thai Buddhism in this term is portrayed as a tool for creation of Buddhist city and the establishment of state temples for learning by Thais. The identities of Buddhist culture are represented by the narration of the historical backgrounds. of state temples, palaces, and Buddhist architecture. The characteristics of Buddhist arts also portrays the continuous Buddhist civilization of Thai kingdoms from Sukhothai, Ayutthaya to the Rattanakosin period.

Author Biography

Vannaporn Phongpheng

Lecturer of Department of Thai, Faculty of Liberal Arts, Mahidol University


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How to Cite

Phongpheng, V. (2023). The Concept of “Civilization” in the Early Bangkok Tourist Guide of Thailand. Journal of Thai Studies, 11(2), 35–61. Retrieved from



Research article
