Industrial Design for Community in Support of Local Product Development through a Community-driven Participatory Approach for Sustainability: The Case Study of Sugar Village, Pak Nam, Bang Khla, Chachoengsao Province


  • Saranya Siangarom




In relation to current global challenges, local product development is now considered a vital economic driving force for Thailand. At the same time, design plays an important role in marketing success, from branding, to packaging, and to other aspects of new product development. However, as community products are often made from finite resources and through inefficient modes of production, this scenario may cause long-term negative impact on the community, especially including the exploitation of cultural and ecological values. 

This article aims to demonstrate the participatory design process employed in local product development through a case study of The Sugar Village, Pak Nam, Bangkhla, Chachoengsao Province. Various key aspects of sustainability – social, cultural, economic, and environmental – are taken into consideration.

Author Biography

Saranya Siangarom

Lecturer of Depearment of Industrial Design, Faculty of Architecture, Chulalongkorn University


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How to Cite

Siangarom, S. (2023). Industrial Design for Community in Support of Local Product Development through a Community-driven Participatory Approach for Sustainability: The Case Study of Sugar Village, Pak Nam, Bang Khla, Chachoengsao Province. Journal of Thai Studies, 11(2), 63–85. Retrieved from



Research article
