An Analysis of Characterized Names of People in Chiang Rai


  • Suttha Rattanasak
  • Panwadee Rattanasak


Characterized name, People, Chiang Rai


An analysis of characterized names of people in Chiang Rai aims at investigating the source of these names, how they were initiated, and the attitudes reflected from their characterized names in Tambon Tasud, Muang, Chiang Rai. The data was obtained from interviewing and questionnaires from respondents living in 11 villages, four respondents from each village, with the total number of respondents being 44. Each respondent gave 10 characterized names based on 13,421 villagers. The total number of characterized names was 440.

The results showed that the characterized names were derived from 7 reasons: physical appearance; behavior; careers; and metaphors; family background; nationality and religion; places; important events; and inflections. Physical appearance included shapes and body organs, with 172 characterized names found (39.10 %). Behaviors were classified into positive and negative behaviors, with 143 names found (32.50 %). Careers were classified into product names and job descriptions and metaphors, with 67 names found (15.22 %).

Family background was classified into intimates, relatives and nationality and religion, with 26 names found (5.90 %). Places were classified into location, geographical area, and originality, with 14 names found (3.18 %). Important events were classified into old names, and past events, with 11 names found (2.50 %). Lastly, inflections were classified into syllable inflection and word inflection which show no relationship with the person, but for transposition of the sounds and spoonerism, with seven names found (1.60 %).

The analysis from individual attitudes toward characterized names found that most characterized names were related to negative attitudes; approximately 287 characterized names (65.22 %) were derived from physical appearance, behaviors, important events, and language use. In addition, some characterized names were not related to any opinions; approximately 115 characterized names (26.13 %) were derived from careers, family background, places, language use and important events. Lastly, positive attitudes toward characterized names were found to be the least, with approximately 38 characterized names (8.63 %), and they were derived from behavior, physical appearance, and important events.

As for the use of language expressions, the characterized names both in standard Thai and northern Thai were literal meaning and figurative meaning of each character. The use of syllable, word or phrase may be different according to their circumstances or situations. Moreover, characterized names also reflect the social context and a culture of seniority in the family, family relations, personal roles in the community and diverse ethnicity.

Author Biographies

Suttha Rattanasak

Lecturer in the Department of Thai Language and Culture, School of Liberal Arts, Maefahluang University

Panwadee Rattanasak

Lecturer in the Department of Thai Language and Culture, School of Liberal Arts, Maefahluang University


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How to Cite

Rattanasak, S., & Rattanasak, P. (2023). An Analysis of Characterized Names of People in Chiang Rai. Journal of Thai Studies, 12(1), 57–90. Retrieved from



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