From the End to Begin: The Era of Ariyamettraiya Buddha in the National Library of Paris Edition of Traiphum


  • Phakphon Sangngern


Ariyamettraiya Buddha, The National Library of Paris edition of Traiphum


This article aims to investigate the Satthantaragalpa story and the era of Ariyamettraiya Buddha in the National Library of Paris edition of Traiphum by comparison with four Buddhism scriptures: Phra Tripitaka Cakkawattisutti; Anakghatawangsa Scripture; Amatarasadhara Tika Anagatawangsa; and Phra Sawaka Nibbhan Scripture. The study found that the Satthantaragalpa story and the era of Ariyamettraiya Buddha in this version of Traiphum were very similar with Buddhism scripture. This shows that belief in the Satthantaragalpa story, which is the most important story at the end of Gotama Buddha period and the birth of Ariyamettraiya Buddha and the emperor, Sankhachak, is a belief that can be found in the Ayutthaya Traiphum.

Author Biography

Phakphon Sangngern

Lecturer, Department of Thai, Faculty of Humanities and Social Science, Pibulsongkram Rajabhat University, Phitsanulok


กรมศิลปากร. ประชุมจารึกภาคที่ ๑ จารึกกรุงสุโขทัย. กรุงเทพฯ: คุรุสภา พระสุเมรุ. (พิมพ์เป็นอนุสรณ์งานพระราชทานเพลิงศพ พระราชประสิทธิคุณ ณ สุสานวัดราชธานี จ.สุโขทัย), ๒๕๑๕.

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How to Cite

Sangngern, P. (2023). From the End to Begin: The Era of Ariyamettraiya Buddha in the National Library of Paris Edition of Traiphum. Journal of Thai Studies, 12(2), 1–15. Retrieved from



Research article
