Tsunami : A Powerful Shake on the Vision of Death in Thai Short Stories


  • Nantawan Sunthonparasatid


Tsunami Thailand, Death, Risk


Short stories dealing with the tsunami that hit Thailand in 2006 are representations of disorder and irrational death, which is explained as the work of fate. The representation of death in the selected works incorporates two crucial assumptions: the belief in science and technology used to dominate the natural world and religious beliefs as a place of refuge. These short stories reveal that modern and breakthrough technology used to facilitate living, in fact, exposes people to more risk when they face natural disasters. Religion, at the same time, has not lost its importance. The selected short stories reveal that the only comfort is the unity of people.



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How to Cite

Sunthonparasatid, N. (2023). Tsunami : A Powerful Shake on the Vision of Death in Thai Short Stories. Journal of Thai Studies, 14(1), 33–60. Retrieved from https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/TSDJ/article/view/263955



Research article
