Kan Ma Yuean Khong Ying Cha-ra: Creative Process of Making Western Plays for Thai Audiences

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Arthri Vanichtrakul


The aim of this practiced based research was to explore the creative theatrical process. The objectives of the research were to examine a play script based on the original Western dramatic literature, The Visit, which was adapted using Buddhist doctrines of lustful desires and karma, and to explore the stage directing of the adapted script Kan Ma Yuean Khong Ying Cha-ra that applied expressionist techniques. Thus, the working processes consisted of two stages, the script adaptation and the play direction. The findings reveal that Thai audiences can understand the theme of the play and also the agony of the characters. In conclusion, presenting this play based on Western dramatic literature could be understood by Thai audiences as the literature’s theme is universal and several creative theatrical methods were applied for a better understanding by the audience.

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How to Cite
Vanichtrakul, A. (2023). Kan Ma Yuean Khong Ying Cha-ra: Creative Process of Making Western Plays for Thai Audiences. Journal of Thai Studies, 14(2), 125–150. retrieved from https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/TSDJ/article/view/264046
Research article
Author Biography

Arthri Vanichtrakul

Lecturer in Department of Performing Arts, Faculty of Music and Performing Arts, Burapha University



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